Swedish power grids are responsible for ensuring a reliable electricity supply in Sweden.

Swedish power grids are responsible for
ensuring a reliable electricity supply in

The frequency within the electrical system.

The frequency within the electricity system is really critical to ensure a stable and balanced electricity supply. By ensuring that the frequency and balance in the electricity system are correct, Svenska kraftnät keeps the electricity supply stable and minimizes the risk of power outages. This is essential to ensure that electrical power is always available and that users can trust that it is reliable.


Frequency is a measure of, and result of, how well the production and use of electricity is in balance. The nominal frequency in the Nordic synchronous area is 50.00 Hz. In order for Svenska kraftnät to be able to fulfill its mission of maintaining the balance in the electricity system, Svenska kraftnät procures capacity for various types of support services.

Support Services

Support services can, for example, be delivered by production facilities or facilities that can adapt their electricity consumption. A central support service is frequency containment reserves (FrequencyContainmentReserves, FCR), which aim to stabilize the frequency.

We shall contribute with reserves

The contribution to the power system by providing reserves is a crucial component in maintaining the balance and reliability of the electricity supply. Svenska Kraftnät and other electricity grid operators rely on the fact that various actors in the electricity market can offer reserves to ensure that production and demand for electricity are in balance

Balance In power system

A power system must always be in balance to function properly. This means that the amount of electricity produced must exactly match the amount of electricity used in real time. If imbalances occur, it can lead to frequency variations and other problems.

Types of reserves

Reserves can be of different types, including frequency retention reserves (FCR) and capacity reserves to handle peak loads. FCR is used to quickly adjust production or demand to compensate for small imbalances in the system. 
Svenska Kraftnät regularly purchases these reserves from various players in the electricity market. This may mean that production plants or other units offer their capacity to quickly respond to the need to balance the system.

Delivering reserves can contribute both to the individual company’s profitability and to enabling the energy transition